Camper gran volum

3 places
amb cinturó

3 places
per dormir

Carnet B

Viatjar a l'estranger

Animals a bord

Sobre aquesta camper gran volum



Propietari professional

  • Permís de circulació verificat
  • Inspecció tècnica verificada

NEW! Large volume camper van fully equipped and camperized in 2023.

The vehicle, with capacity for 3 people (ideally 2 Adults or 2 adults + child) has a comfortable layout: kitchen-living room with two sofas, extendable dining table so you can work and eat comfortably, 24' smarthTV, as well as a large storage space (personal luggage, sports equipment, surfboards, folding bicycles…).

The perfectly organized kitchen-living room has a large extendable countertop so you can cook and work comfortably. Equipped with a two-burner gas cooker, sink with extendable tap, crockery, kitchen utensils, refrigerator, kitchen paper and cleaning kit.

The Van has a transversal bed of 180x175cm extendable to 180x200cm Ideal for two adults (although it also accepts a 3 person) Equipped with double anti-allergic foam mattresses to guarantee hygiene and comfort. Of course we include duvets, sheets, pillows and shower towells.

The van has an outdoor shower with a 100L water tank (more than enough to shower and clean dishes...) that you can easily refill at any gas station if necessary. It also has a Portable WC that you can use and empty at different points on the island.

The completely autonomous vehicle is equipped with a double battery powered by a large solar panel, allowing energy-saving LED interior lighting and also USB ports so you can charge your electronic devices (even with the vehicle off). The van, fully thermally and acoustically insulated, has a skylight and all windows have mosquito nets and blinds, as well as thermal sunshades for the cabin, in order to maintain a pleasant interior temperature and avoid humidity.

Of course, the van has an outdoor table, chairs and shower platform.

We can also offer you the following services on demand: Airport transfers Rental of equipment and activities (surfing, skateboarding, yoga, diving, paragliding, climbing, trekking, bike routes and even boat trips)

We have been on the island for more than 10 years and we know its most special corners and the best conditions for you to enjoy a unique experience on your trip to Lanzarote. If you have any questions or special requests, do not hesitate to contact us.

See you soon!

Inclòs en el lloguer

  • Assegurança per al vehicle i els seus ocupants
  • Assistència en carretera
  • Pagament segur
  • Assistència en cas d'anul·lació

Places llit

Llits 1
Llit convertible saló180x200 cm
Llits 2
Llit transversal150x180 cm


  • Nevera
  • Kit vaixella
  • Kit de neteja
  • Productes de consum
  • Cafetera
  • Direcció assistida
  • Regulador de velocitat
  • Tancament centralitzat
  • Radar de marxa enrere

Característiques tècniques

  • Model: Ford Transit 2023
  • Posada en circulació: 2022
  • PMA: 3.500 kg
  • Altura: 2,56 m

Condicions del propietari

  • Fiança (gestionada directament amb el propietari): 500 €
  • Forma de pagament de la fiança: targeta bancària, efectiu
  • Km addicional: 0,20 € per km addicional
  • Viatjar a l'estranger : Sota sol·licitud
  • Animals a bord : Autoritzat
  • Vehicle per a fumadors : Sota sol·licitud

Condicions d'anul·lació

Les modalitats de remborsament varien en funció de la data d'anul·lació de la reserva.


  • Trasllat a l'aeroport30,00 € per lloguer
  • Conductor suplementari50,00 € per lloguer

Dies d'obertura

  • Obert del dilluns al diumenge
  • Obert durant els festius

Propietari del vehicle

  • Best owner
  • Manuel
  • Membre des del juliol del 2019
  • Taxa de resposta: 100 %
  • Idiomes parlats: Anglès, Espanyol
  • Lloguers realitzats: més de 10

Les opinions dels viatgers

Lloc de recollida

L'adreça exacta d'estacionament serà disponible un cop confirmada la reserva.


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