Furgoneta camper de Przemyslaw

2 places amb cinturóSeients amb cinturons de seguretat

2 places per a dormirEspai còmode per a 2 persones

Carnet BEl teu carnet de conducir és suficient per conduir aquest vehicle inferior a 3500kg.

Document verificatEl permís de circulació està en regla i ha estat verificat pel nostre equip

Viatges a l'estranger autoritzatsEl propietari autoritza circular amb el seu vehicle en diversos països

No s'admeten mascotesLes teves mascotes no podran formar part d'aquest viatge

Inclòs en el lloguer

  • Assegurança pel vehicle i els seus ocupants
  • Assistència en carretera

    El nostre equip sempre a la teva disposició

  • Pagament segur

    Més comoditat amb les nostres facilitats de pagament

  • Garantia de sortida

    El nostre equip et proposa alternatives en cas de problema a l'últim moment.

Przemyslaw et presenta la seva furgoneta camper

We are really glad that you like our motorhome !!! 

Our campers are perfect for driving, compact, easy to drive and park in the narrow streets of Spanish and Portuguese cities. Inside there is everything you need -fully equipped kitchen, comfortable bed 140/190cm), outdoor shower, two batteries, solar panel, and 230v converter.




You can choose to drop off and pick up in a convenient place - for this service we only add fuel and driver costs - The car is waiting for you at the airport or in the city center, you don't have to go anywhere for it and best of all, we are waiting for you at the time you choose.


Below, the price list is payable at the meeting point:

+ pick up transfer from Malaga airport 39 euro + 39 drop 

+ pick up transfer from Sevilla airport 59 euro + 59 drop 

+ pick up transfer from Faro airport 119 euro + 119 drop 



the car comes with basic free BASIC insurance but don't worry after booking up to two days before the pickup date, you can always change your insurance options. We leave you free to choose.



  • 49€ Paymet of preparation of Your camper. With that you receive a ready to go car. This cost covers a 4h+ prepartion and cleaning of the camper, buying all needed products to start your travell, filling up all higene producst - water, soaps, sponges etc. This will guarantee you a peace of mind.

For our travelers, we have prepared a special map with recommended places to sleep, eat out, the most beautiful beaches and things worth seeing.


We cordially invite you to an adventure with us and as soon as you have additional questions, write to us, we will be happy to answer everything.


See you on the road !!!



Places llit

Llits 1
Llit transversal140x200 cm


  • Nevera
  • Kit vaixella
  • Kit de neteja
  • Productes de consum
  • Cafetera
  • Direcció assistida
  • Regulador de velocitat
  • Tancament centralitzat
  • Ràdio

Característiques tècniques

  • ModelCampervans Montblanc campervan
  • Entrada en circulació2003
  • PMA:2.405 kg
  • Altura:1,8 m

Condicions de lloguer

Condicions del propietari

  • Viatjar a l'estrangerAutoritzat
  • Carnet de conduirPermis B
  • Animals a bordNo autoritzat
  • Vehicle per a fumadorsNo autoritzat
  • Excés de quilometratge0,50 € per km addicional


  • Pagament de la fiançaGestionada directament pel propietari, efectiu, transferència
  • Import1.800 €

Condicions d'anul·lació

Les modalitats de remborsament varien en funció de la data d'anul·lació de la reserva.

Lloc de recollida

Málaga (29004), Espanya

L'adreça exacta d'estacionament serà disponible un cop confirmada la reserva.


8 opinions d'una reserva verificada

PrzemyslawRegistrat a Yescapa des de 2017

Our passion to travel, love for water sports and chasing adventures compelled us to action. We were on the mission to find perfect means of transportation. Cruising through some continents like Europe, Australia, South America and Asia gave us further experience in the that respect. While looking for a suitable solution we decided to create our surfcampers. This vehicle will take you anywhere you want, to wild beach, to city center, any where your imagination will lead you. It will allow you to park at the museum, restaurant or on the edge of the escarpment. It is very spacious, so you can find a place for your surf board, cook a meal or even have a nap. Surfcamper is a perfect combination of a super useful camper and a normal passenger car therefore anyone can drive it easily. We invite you to experience wonderful adventures with our surfcamper.

  • Puntuació global
  • Taxa de resposta100 %
  • Idiomes parlatsAnglès, Espanyol
  • Perfil certificat

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