Autocaravana perfilada de Maria

4 places amb cinturóSeients amb cinturons de seguretat

3 places per a dormirEspai còmode per a 3 persones

Carnet BEl teu carnet de conducir és suficient per conduir aquest vehicle inferior a 3500kg.

Document verificatEl permís de circulació està en regla i ha estat verificat pel nostre equip

Viatges a l'estranger autoritzatsEl propietari autoritza circular amb el seu vehicle en diversos països

Animals sota sol·licitudRecorda afegir aquesta infofrmació en el moment de la sol·licitud de lloguer

Inclòs en el lloguer amb Yescapa

  • Assegurança a tot risc per a vehicles i passatgers

    Assegurança inclosa per defecte o Opció Premium, tu tries!

  • Garantia de sortida

    El nostre equip et proposa alternatives en cas de problema a l'últim moment.

  • Assistència en carretera 24/7

    El nostre equip sempre a la teva disposició

  • Pagament segur

    Més comoditat amb les nostres facilitats de pagament

Maria et presenta la seva autocaravana perfilada

Because the Dream commands Life, Maria's Little House has just been born :)

Like a long-desired child, she was purchased not to be rented, but to make a dream come true. Sharing this experience with those who take care of it as your own will also be a new experience for me ...

For a different weekend or a long vacation, she is totally autonomous.

Ideal for a couple, can sleep a third person (adult or young), since in the central area (table) makes a single bed

Come and discover our Portugal and its thousand wonders. More than 900 kilometers of coastline make our country a favorite holiday destination, visit our Natural Parks as well  the several River Beaches with wonderful landscapes all around.

Set off on the adventure with Maria's Little House without having to make advance reservations in hotels, you can simply enjoy where you are and stay until you feel like it. ... caravanning is a different way of life, try it !!

Pick-up / drop-off facilities: less than 5 km from the airport and very close to Gare do Oriente in Parque das Nações where, if necessary, you can leave your car parked without a parking meter and in a quiet area.

CLEANING: Upon return, the fees provided for in Article 9 of the Rental Agreement will be applied, in the event that:

Cassette not emptied (WC)    50 EUR Gray waters do not empty   15 EUR Exterior cleaning (traces on the bodywork, rims, windshield) not in accordance with the initial condition   15 EUR Interior cleaning (traces of use of the kitchen and bathroom, floor not swept, presence of residues) not in accordance with the initial state   80 EUR

REFUELING FEE: at the end of the rental, if it is not returned, a 10 € fee will be charged and the missing liters will be calculated at least € 20, ie € 20 + € 10 = € 30

EXTRA NOTE REGARDING INSURANCE: Regardless of the method chosen, all damage done inside the motorhome is NEVER covered, as well as damage to skylights and windows that are not the result of an accident. Only in this case can the insurance be activated, otherwise it will always be the responsibility of the lessee to pay them in full.

Included in daily value

1 fixed double bed (140x200cm) 1 central single bed (100x200cm) not fixed Rear camera and proximity sensors 2 solar panels allowing a huge range Equipped with LED lamps, great consumption reduction increasing its night life

Internet 4G 

12v to 220w converter Fully equipped kitchen Large fridge with separate freezer (12v, gas or 220w) Oven (gas) Full bathroom and shower area completely independent Hot and cold water in the kitchen and wc Blackwater Cassette Caps WC WC cassette equipped with SOG system Juice Machine (220w) Italian coffee maker (gas) Cooker toaster Large wardrobe with hangers Built-in USB plugs in furniture allow charging of various devices Outdoor table with 4 stools 2 chairs 2 chairs with multiple reclining positions so you can relax 2 beach chairs Barbecue kit Bluetooth radio to pair your phone for safe driving Cabin CD and Mini SD Card Player 2 kg ABC powder fire extinguisher in the cabin ABEF foam spray extinguisher by the kitchen First Aid Box (SOS) Satellite TV

2 gas bottles, one of them always full (for water heating + stove and oven + fridge)


Babyseat: 40 € / rental 7 or more days; 25 € / rental less than 7 days

Booster: 20€/rental 7 or more days; 10€ / rental less than 7 days

Note: New bike rack: 2 bikes


Places llit

Llits 1
Llit convertible saló100x200 cm
Llits 2
Llit transversal140x200 cm


  • Dutxa interior
  • WC
  • Portabicicletes
  • Nevera
  • Kit vaixella
  • Kit de neteja
  • Productes de consum
  • Cafetera
  • Direcció assistida


  • Permís de circulació del vehicleVerificat

Característiques tècniques

  • ModelHymer T664SL
  • Entrada en circulació2007
  • PMA:3.500 kg
  • Altura:3,2 m

Condicions de lloguer

Condicions del propietari

  • Viatjar a l'estrangerAutoritzat
  • Carnet de conduirPermis B
  • Animals a bordSota sol·licitud
  • Vehicle per a fumadorsNo autoritzat
  • Excés de quilometratge0,40 € per km addicional


  • Pagament de la fiançaGestionada directament pel propietari, efectiu, transferència
  • Import1.700 €

Condicions d'anul·lació

Les modalitats de remborsament varien en funció de la data d'anul·lació de la reserva.

Lloc de recollida

Lisboa (1990), Portugal

L'adreça exacta d'estacionament serà disponible un cop confirmada la reserva.


43 opinions de reserves verificades

MariaBest owner des de 2019Maria forma part dels nostres Best Owners: és trata dels propietaris millors valorats a Yescapa, amb qui mantenim una relació privilegiada de confiança

Quem sou eu? Uma pessoa que AMA viajar e que sonha com o dia em que possa ter uma autocaravana e partir pelo mundo fora!! Esse dia irá chegar :)) Fev 2019 Simmmm e chegou :)) porque o Sonho comanda a Vida 💖🙏 Nov 2019

  • Puntuació global
  • Taxa de resposta100 %
  • Idiomes parlatsFrancès, Anglès, Espanyol, Alemany, Portuguès
  • Perfil certificat

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