Furgoneta camper

2 places amb cinturóSeients amb cinturons de seguretat

2 places per a dormirEspai còmode per a 2 persones

Carnet BEl teu carnet de conducir és suficient per conduir aquest vehicle inferior a 3500kg.

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Inclòs en el lloguer

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  • Assistència en carretera

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Ángel et presenta la seva furgoneta camper

It's amazing how much space you can get out of our compact model. Everything fits in the Camper Miwok! A perfect model for those looking for maximum flexibility when traveling. Park anywhere and reach the most remote corners of the island of Mallorca.

If you have little experience with large vehicles, it is your first trip in a camper or you are looking for a compact and easy van, it is perfect for you... and you will be surprised by all its equipment.

It's amazing how much space you can get out of our compact model. Everything fits in the Camper Miwok! A perfect model for those looking for maximum flexibility when traveling. Park anywhere and reach the most remote corners of the island of Mallorca.

What is the Camper Miwok equipment like?

Ceiling and wall paneled in wood. Insulated for the hottest days. It has a skylight with a mosquito net and a side window. Storage cabinets and living room convertible into a 120*185cm bed.

Refrigerator compressor 12v. that you can always have on thanks to the auxiliary battery. The auxiliary battery is automatically recharged by the van's engine when you are driving, achieving total autonomy during the trip.

Interior lights, USB charger and 12v connector. An integrated voltmeter is available on the electricity control panel to check the status of the auxiliary battery.

Picnic table and two chairs for outside.

50L water tank. It is easily rechargeable, with an automatic pump for the outdoor shower.

We deliver the camper with bedding and travel towels.

Cooking and tableware kit for two people with portable gas stove and gas cartridge.

OPTIONAL Portable Chemical Toilet.

Unlimited Mileage, for rentals within the island of Mallorca.

All our campers are handcrafted by us.


Reservation Conditions and Extra Services


  • All our camper vehicles have comprehensive rental insurance included in the price, with a deductible of €600. Valid for drivers over 25 years old and at least 2 years of driving license experience.

  • The traveler must provide a deposit of €600 at the beginning of the rental, to cover the deductible in the event of an accident. The deposit is blocked on a debit or credit card of one of the travelers, and is unlocked after checking that everything is fine, on the last day of the trip


  • The Deliveries are made between 2:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. of the first day. You can anticipate delivery at 9:00 a.m. by hiring an extra half day. (Consult us before making the reservation)

  • The Returns are between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. of the last day. You can delay the return until 8:00 p.m. by hiring an extra half day. (Consult us before making the reservation)



  • For deliveries after 8:30 p.m. of the first day or returns before 9:00 a.m. On the last day, a supplement is charged per reservation and it is mandatory in these cases to also take the extra option transfer to the airport or Palma center

  • Price: €25/reservation. Iva. Incl.

  • You must notify us at the time of making the reservation, by sending us an email or WhatsApp. We cannot guarantee the availability of delivery or return after hours if we have not been informed at the time of making the reservation


  • Includes Delivery and Return. We will be waiting for you upon your arrival in Mallorca. And we take you to our facilities to deliver. The return is made at our facilities, and then we will take you to Palma Center or the airport.

  • Includes Airport and Palma Center (Plaza España)

  • Price: €30/reservation. VAT. Incl.



  • Disinfected portable chemical toilet, ready for use. Includes chemical liquid for the entire trip.

  • Price: €30/reservation. VAT. Incl

  • You can add this extra option up to 12H. before the start of the trip, sending us an email or WhatsApp.


  • Converts the electricity from the auxiliary battery into 220v. to be able to plug in anything (less than 500w.) as if you were at home.

  • Price: €15/reservation. VAT. Incl

  • You can add this extra option up to 12H. before the start of the trip, sending us an email or WhatsApp.


Places llit

Llits 1
Llit convertible saló140x195 cm


  • Nevera
  • Kit vaixella
  • Kit de neteja
  • Direcció assistida
  • Regulador de velocitat
  • Tancament centralitzat
  • Ràdio
  • Reproductor de CD
  • Aire condicionat


  • Permís de circulació del vehicleVerificat

Característiques tècniques

  • ModelGumara camper Expert 2,0l 120ch
  • Entrada en circulació2010
  • PMA:2.902 kg
  • Altura:1,9 m

Condicions de lloguer

Condicions del propietari

  • Viatjar a l'estrangerSota sol·licitud
  • Carnet de conduirPermis B
  • Animals a bordSota sol·licitud
  • Vehicle per a fumadorsNo autoritzat
  • Excés de quilometratgeGratuït


  • Pagament de la fiançaGestionada directament pel propietari, targeta bancària
  • Import600 €

Condicions d'anul·lació

Les modalitats de remborsament varien en funció de la data d'anul·lació de la reserva.


  • Necessaris per a la sortida (paper wc, café, rentavaixella, fregall)0,00 € per lloguer
  • Tovalloles de dutxa0,00 € per lloguer
  • Conductor suplementari0,00 € per lloguer
  • Kit cuina0,00 € per lloguer
  • Llitera0,00 € per lloguer
  • WC portàtil30,00 € per lloguer
  • Trasllat a l'aeroport30,00 € per lloguer

Lloc de recollida

Palma (07198), Espanya

L'adreça exacta d'estacionament serà disponible un cop confirmada la reserva.

  • Dies d'oberturaDilluns, dimarts, dimecres, dijous, divendres, dissabte, diumenge, dia festiu

97 opinions de reserves verificades

ÁngelBest owner des de 2019Ángel forma part dels nostres Best Owners: és trata dels propietaris millors valorats a Yescapa, amb qui mantenim una relació privilegiada de confiança

Hola! Somos Esther y Ángel, vivimos en Palma y estamos encantados de conoceros! Disfruta de una de nuestras campers para dos personas y descubre todos los rincones de la isla de Mallorca.

  • Puntuació global
  • Taxa de resposta100 %
  • Idiomes parlatsAnglès, Espanyol
  • Perfil certificat

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