Furgoneta camper
3 viatgers
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A partir de
96 €
2 places amb cinturóSeients amb cinturons de seguretat
2 places per a dormirEspai còmode per a 2 persones
Carnet BEl teu carnet de conducir és suficient per conduir aquest vehicle inferior a 3500kg.
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The RÊVADEUX is a two-seater van based on a fiat Ducato L2H2.
This van gives priority to the living space on board with a comfortable rear lounge made up of two face-to-face bench seats that can comfortably accommodate four people, as well as a large table that can also be used to dine for four.
It has a spacious shower (70cm x 70cm) with toilet and fully retractable sink, its design and the materials that compose it guarantee us a perfect water resistance of this room. It has been designed for everyday life, in this shower, there is no need to go out into the hallway to dry off and a retractable washing line has even been integrated to dry your towel after use.
The kitchen area consists of a generous 138L compression refrigerator located behind the driver's seat. A granite sink, a large mixer tap, two gas burners, a cutting board, storage and a trash can finish equipping this kitchen as standard, a gas oven even completes it.
In the night part, we have installed a comfortable electric drop-down bed (130cm x 190cm) in the length of the vehicle. The mattress is made of high density foam and bamboo, it is 10cm thick.
This vehicle is also distinguished by its high level of equipment, its comfortable autonomy as well as by the quality of the materials used and a high level of finish.
Don't wait any longer, come and dream there for two!!!
Les modalitats de remborsament varien en funció de la data d'anul·lació de la reserva.
L'adreça exacta d'estacionament serà disponible un cop confirmada la reserva.
Bonjour, Je suis Laurent, créateur de la marque VANRÊVA. je vous invite à découvrir nos véhicules en commençant par les louer ;-)
Des de 80 €/dia