Autocaravana Perfilada
São Domingos de Rana
4 viatgers
4,5Best Owner
A partir de
65 €
4 places amb cinturóSeients amb cinturons de seguretat
4 places per a dormirEspai còmode per a 4 persones
Carnet BEl teu carnet de conducir és suficient per conduir aquest vehicle inferior a 3500kg.
Document verificatEl permís de circulació està en regla i ha estat verificat pel nostre equip
Viatges a l'estranger no autoritzatsEl propietari no permet que el seu vehicle surti del país
No s'admeten mascotesLes teves mascotes no podran formar part d'aquest viatge
Sol·licitud de lloguer gratuïta i sense compromís!
Assegurança inclosa per defecte o Opció Premium, tu tries!
El nostre equip et proposa alternatives en cas de problema a l'últim moment.
El nostre equip sempre a la teva disposició
Més comoditat amb les nostres facilitats de pagament
Perfect motorhome for a first motorhome experience. It is compact and easy to manoeuvre, extremely economical, very comfortable, well maintained and super functional.
Come and discover our Portugal and its thousand wonders that make our country a favorite holiday destination.
Visit the various natural parks, as well as beautiful beaches, immense river beaches and breathtaking dams.
With our HFIL motorhome you can enjoy where you are and stay as long as you feel like, without having to make advance reservations at hotels or other accommodations.
If you want to have a restful departure and in a vehicle in excellent condition, both in the passenger compartment and mechanically, this is a great option.
Perfect for a family vacation or just a getaway.
They can be smokers.... They just can't smoke either in the cell or in the cabin.
Possibility of leaving your vehicle on our property, where it will be absolutely safe.
Our HFIL Motorhome is profiled from 2005 with 84000Kms and many extras.
1 fixed double bed
1 double bed assemble
Spacious bathroom with separate shower
Capsules for black water (WC)
200 liter clean water tank
100 liter gray water tank
Boiler Truma automatic combi with water and air heating
2500/5000W pure wave converter with command and battery charge display
Good autonomy, which allows you to spend a few days without having to empty/fill water tanks, as well as 4 100W solar panels and a 30amp mppt regulator and paralleler to charge the engine battery, avoiding running out of battery when it is stopped for a long time.
12V to 220W Converter
Fully equipped kitchen with cleaning kit included (cooking cloths, mop, washing up liquid)
plates and glasses
pots and pans
stove toaster
Nespresso coffee machine
Large wardrobe with hangers
Multiple storage drawers
2 gas bottles, one of which is always full (for water heating + fridge)
Satellite dish and Omni directional antenna
Fire stick by Amazon, which provides Android TV (Netflix, Youtube, Disney etc)
Hotspot (Wi-fi) only in national territory
Television with 24``
Viesa air conditioner
Cruise Control
Reversing camera and parking sensors
Outdoor table with 4 chairs.
Barbecue kit
CLEANING: Upon return, the fees provided for in Article 9 of the Rental Agreement will apply, if:
Cassette not emptied (WC) - 50€
Non-emptying of gray waters - 15€
Exterior cleaning (traces on the bodywork, rims or windshield) not in accordance with the initial condition - €15
Interior cleaning (traces of kitchen and bathroom use, floor not swept, presence of residues) not in accordance with the initial state - 80€
The HFIL motorhome has a bucket, mop, broom and cleaning detergents.
REFURBISHMENT FEE: At the end of the rental, if it is not returned attested, an amount of €10 + the value of the missing liters will be charged.
DEPOSIT: It will be returned within a maximum period of 48 hours after delivery of the motorhome to confirm its general condition and a value of €150 will be withheld, for a maximum period of 10 working days after the end of the rental, in order to safeguard the eventuality that it will imply that I will be charged toll expenses (Scuts or via verde). After confirmation, this amount will be refunded by bank transfer or Mbway. The renter will also assume any parking, speeding or other fines related to the use of the motorhome during the rental period.
The HFIL motorhome wishes you an excellent trip with many incredible adventures.
Llit convertible saló
130x200 cmLlit francès (accés lateral)
130x200 cmLes modalitats de remborsament varien en funció de la data d'anul·lació de la reserva.
L'adreça exacta d'estacionament serà disponible un cop confirmada la reserva.
Des de 70 €/dia