Camper gran volum
2 viatgers
Cap opinió
A partir de
150 €
4 places amb cinturóSeients amb cinturons de seguretat
2 places per a dormirEspai còmode per a 2 persones
Carnet BEl teu carnet de conducir és suficient per conduir aquest vehicle inferior a 3500kg.
Document verificatEl permís de circulació està en regla i ha estat verificat pel nostre equip
Viatges a l'estranger no autoritzatsEl propietari no permet que el seu vehicle surti del país
No s'admeten mascotesLes teves mascotes no podran formar part d'aquest viatge
Sol·licitud de lloguer gratuïta i sense compromís!
Assegurança inclosa per defecte o Opció Premium, tu tries!
El nostre equip et proposa alternatives en cas de problema a l'últim moment.
El nostre equip sempre a la teva disposició
Més comoditat amb les nostres facilitats de pagament
Our Zora, a Pössl 2Win R plus, is incredibly well equipped from the factory. Lots of storage compartments offer plenty of space. A large compressor refrigerator with ice compartment is on board.
The bed, across the direction of travel, offers a sunbathing area with dimensions of approx. 1.95 x 1.50 m (LxW). Super comfortable for two people and more than enough for us.
Compact external dimensions, combined with the reversing camera, enable the camper to be handled very well and parking is also possible without any problems thanks to the moderate length.
The bathroom, here an open-plan bathroom, consists of a toilet, sink and large shower with roller blind. The standard Thetford toilet has been replaced by a Clesana C1 toilet. This means that no chemicals need to be used and there is no need to empty the toilet cassette (you can see how the Clesana works on their homepage). Heating and hot water (10 L boiler) are generated by a Truma diesel heater. The gas supply consists of 1x11kg aluminum gas bottle, which is connected to a Truma CS Duo system with remote display. This means that it is no longer necessary to close the bottle when driving. The rental price includes a gas bottle with the current fill level. Thanks to the diesel heating, gas is only needed for cooking and consumption is therefore normally limited. A pack of foil liners and liquid absorbers for the Clesana C1 toilet is included for each rental week. Additional consumption is charged at cost.
A multimedia package, consisting of a satellite system and smart TV (with DVD player, decoder slot and streaming option via internet connection (not part of the rental agreement)), is also on board, as is a solar system with 185 Wp, a lithium battery with 300 Ah and a 2000 W inverter. This makes self-sufficient freestanding camping away from campsites possible.
An alarm system, Trigas sensor, smoke and CO detectors are installed for safety on board.
Instead of the usual Heki, a Maxxfan is installed above the bed for better ventilation.
Awning, camping chairs, table, dishes, cutlery, cups, glasses as well as ramps, electrical cables and water hoses round off the equipment.
The removable trailer hitch makes it possible to transport additional equipment using a trailer.
A swiveling bike rack is mounted on the rear door hinges. This is for 2 bikes and, with a load capacity of 60 kg, is also suitable for e-bikes.
If we have forgotten something, we will certainly notice it during the briefing. In principle, you rent a fully equipped motorhome and only have to put your personal belongings and groceries away and you can drive off straight away.
We look forward to nice tenants.
See you soon! Karen and Stephen
And now some general topics:
Bed linen: We cover the mattresses with fitted sheets. If you need bed linen or towels, let’s talk about it.
Smoking: Smoking is not permitted in the mobile home! In the event of non-compliance, we will carry out intensive cleaning with odor removal and calculate the costs incurred.
Cleaning: The motorhome must be thoroughly cleaned inside before it is returned, wiping it off is not enough! The toilet is to be cleaned and the compartment for the sealed bags is to be emptied. The bathroom is thoroughly cleaned. Here, too, we have the area cleaned and calculate the costs incurred if this is disregarded. We take care of the exterior cleaning of the vehicle ourselves.
Animals: Animals are not allowed in the mobile home.
Territorial restrictions: International journeys within Europe are generally possible. Let’s discuss your itinerary together beforehand. Journeys to festivals or major events (e.g. Oktoberfest) are not permitted.
Fuel: You will receive the vehicle with a full diesel tank and please return it that way. If necessary, we add Ad Blue ourselves.
Llit transversal
150x195 cmLes modalitats de remborsament varien en funció de la data d'anul·lació de la reserva.
L'adreça exacta d'estacionament serà disponible un cop confirmada la reserva.
Des de 120 €/dia