Camper gran volum de Pierre

4 places amb cinturóSeients amb cinturons de seguretat

4 places per a dormirEspai còmode per a 4 persones

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Pierre et presenta la seva furgoneta camper gran volum

Ideal for family RoadTrips, rarely will you have slept so high up to enjoy a breathtaking view of the sunrise!

Hiring this 4-seater fitted van with pop-up roof offers you a comfortable nomadic experience, provided by both the vast interior volume of this van and the ingenuity of the pop-up roof. A simple push on the roof allows you to free up an additional “double bedroom” which, by definition, never encroaches on the interior living space. Disadvantage of its advantage, this “room”, sheltered by a waterproof tent canvas, is less conducive to winter excursions and cold nights. And if it is possible to go with two travelers in the Pössl Summit 540 to cold and wintery destinations (without planning to sleep “upstairs”), then prefer to rent this van for more lenient getaways if you are traveling to four. Note that the second double berth is transverse and located at the rear of the van.

Apart from the pop-up roof accommodating the upper double berth, the rental of this fitted van offers you a real independent bathroom equipped with a pivoting wall: this allows you to separate the WC-washbasin area and transform it into a shower , for greater comfort.

The entire living space has a high ceiling that allows you to stand up anywhere! Note that this van gives you great maneuverability thanks to a compact size and a length of only 5.41 m which will allow you to drive around and park anywhere in town (except underground car parks).

You will also find on this van: a large reserve of clean water of 85 litres, effective sound and heat insulation, stationary heating, a water heater as well as a substantial loading volume in the hold to load all your “gear” and other small personal toys (from the SUP or inflatable canoe to the nomadic barbecue)! Because of these characteristics, the rental of this van is resolutely oriented towards an all-season approach to VanLife. In particular thanks to the comfort offered by the space available on board, which allows for example to take advantage of a kitchen area worthy of the name and including a large 100-litre fridge/freezer, a large 2-burner gas stove, a real work and above all plenty of smart storage. Ideal for storing the many victuals gleaned during your Roadtrip, as well as all the cookware / dishes (provided) to enjoy them! Then swivel the front seats and sit around the living room table to enjoy your sautéed veal with Corsican olives under the stars (yes, why not?).


Places llit

Llits 1
Llit sostre elevable135x204 cm
Llits 2
Llit transversal140x196 cm


  • Dutxa interior
  • WC
  • Nevera
  • Kit vaixella
  • Kit de neteja
  • Cafetera
  • Direcció assistida
  • Regulador de velocitat
  • Radar de marxa enrere


  • Permís de circulació del vehicleVerificat

Característiques tècniques

  • ModelPössl Summit 540 shine
  • Entrada en circulació2022
  • PMA:3.500 kg
  • Altura:2,75 m

Condicions de lloguer

Condicions del propietari

  • Viatjar a l'estrangerAutoritzat
  • Carnet de conduirPermis B
  • Animals a bordNo autoritzat
  • Vehicle per a fumadorsNo autoritzat
  • Excés de quilometratge0,20 € per km addicional


  • Pagament de la fiançaGestionada directament pel propietari, txeca, efectiu, transferència
  • Import2.000 €

Condicions d'anul·lació

Les modalitats de remborsament varien en funció de la data d'anul·lació de la reserva.

Lloc de recollida

Tulle (19000), França

L'adreça exacta d'estacionament serà disponible un cop confirmada la reserva.


4 opinions de reserves verificades

PierreRegistrat a Yescapa des de 2023
  • Puntuació global
  • Taxa de resposta100 %
  • Idiomes parlatsFrancès, Anglès
  • Perfil certificat

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