Camper gran volum

3 places amb cinturóSeients amb cinturons de seguretat

3 places per a dormirEspai còmode per a 3 persones

Carnet BEl teu carnet de conducir és suficient per conduir aquest vehicle inferior a 3500kg.

Documents verificatsEl permís de circulació i la ITV estan en regla i han estat validats per nosaltres

Viatges al estranger sota sol·licitudProporciona la informació sobre el teu viatge al propietari en el moment de la sol·licitud de lloguer

Animals sota sol·licitudRecorda afegir aquesta infofrmació en el moment de la sol·licitud de lloguer

Inclòs en el lloguer

  • Assegurança pel vehicle i els seus ocupants
  • Assistència en carretera

    El nostre equip sempre a la teva disposició

  • Pagament segur

    Més comoditat amb les nostres facilitats de pagament

  • Garantia de sortida

    Ens comprometem a ajudar-te a trobar un vehicle en cas de problema amb la reserva inicial

Mario et presenta la seva furgoneta camper gran volum

CulturaCamper - Peugeot boxer Sun Living

How many times have you seen on Instagram those posts of people traveling with a camper van, living unique experiences and reaching the most incredible places?

How many times have you imagined those beaches and those mountains? How many times have you wished you were that person living life on the edge and enjoying nature in its purest form? Well....CulturaCamper makes it easy for you!

We deliver the camper and you provide the rest :)

Live a camper experience with us and you will never be the same again.

Van equipped to travel two people and sleep two people. It is an agile and easy to drive vehicle!


Sink and two interior stoves

Outdoor shower

Quechua MH500 Stainless Steel Non-Stick 2-Person Camping Lunch Box (practical and ingenious for eating 2 people outside and cooking like a chef)

Stationary heating

Compressor cooler

Solar panel

One outdoor table and two chairs

Clean water tank 90L

Dirty water tank 45L

Bike rack


Pillows, blankets, bed linens and towels


The vehicle is delivered clean inside and out and with everything in working order. In case of not delivering the vehicle completely clean, a professional cleaning fee of 120€ will be charged.

Please do not wipe the outside of the van with a cloth as this may scratch the bodywork. The vehicle is cleaned only at the self-washing places and air-dried.

Full fuel tank.

The vehicle must be returned in the same conditions. If this is not possible, please let us know in advance.


To be paid by BIZUM at the time of delivery of the vehicle and signing of the rental contract. It will be returned in full if there are no damages. In case of damage, an estimate will be requested to quantify the cost of repair.

***Pets 15€ ***


They are mentioned in Yescapa's rental contract.

Places llit

Llits 1
Llit convertible saló110x180 cm
Llits 2
Llit transversal130x185 cm


  • Portabicicletes
  • Nevera
  • Kit de neteja
  • Direcció assistida
  • Regulador de velocitat
  • Ràdio
  • Bluetooth
  • Congelador
  • Taula d'exterior

Característiques tècniques

  • Model: Sun Living Peugeot boxer
  • Posada en circulació: 2019
  • PMA: 3.500 kg
  • Altura: 2,3 m

Condicions del propietari

  • Fiança (gestionada directament amb el propietari): 900 €
  • Forma de pagament de la fiança: targeta bancària, transferència
  • Km addicional: 0,25 € per km addicional
  • Viatjar a l'estranger : Sota sol·licitud
  • Animals a bord : Sota sol·licitud
  • Vehicle per a fumadors : Sota sol·licitud

Condicions d'anul·lació

Les modalitats de remborsament varien en funció de la data d'anul·lació de la reserva.

Dies d'obertura

  • Obert del dilluns al diumenge
  • Obert durant els festius

Propietari del vehicle

  • Identitat certificada
  • Mario
  • Membre des del juliol del 2023
  • Taxa de resposta: 100 %
  • Idiomes parlats: Anglès, Espanyol
  • Lloguers efectuats: 5

Les opinions dels viatgers

Lloc de recollida

L'adreça exacta d'estacionament serà disponible un cop confirmada la reserva.


Sobre aquesta camper gran volum



Propietari del vehicle

CulturaCamper - Peugeot boxer Sun Living

How many times have you seen on Instagram those posts of people traveling with a camper van, living unique experiences and reaching the most incredible places?

How many times have you imagined those beaches and those mountains? How many times have you wished you were that person living life on the edge and enjoying nature in its purest form? Well....CulturaCamper makes it easy for you!

We deliver the camper and you provide the rest :)

Live a camper experience with us and you will never be the same again.

Van equipped to travel two people and sleep two people. It is an agile and easy to drive vehicle!


Sink and two interior stoves

Outdoor shower

Quechua MH500 Stainless Steel Non-Stick 2-Person Camping Lunch Box (practical and ingenious for eating 2 people outside and cooking like a chef)

Stationary heating

Compressor cooler

Solar panel

One outdoor table and two chairs

Clean water tank 90L

Dirty water tank 45L

Bike rack


Pillows, blankets, bed linens and towels


The vehicle is delivered clean inside and out and with everything in working order. In case of not delivering the vehicle completely clean, a professional cleaning fee of 120€ will be charged.

Please do not wipe the outside of the van with a cloth as this may scratch the bodywork. The vehicle is cleaned only at the self-washing places and air-dried.

Full fuel tank.

The vehicle must be returned in the same conditions. If this is not possible, please let us know in advance.


To be paid by BIZUM at the time of delivery of the vehicle and signing of the rental contract. It will be returned in full if there are no damages. In case of damage, an estimate will be requested to quantify the cost of repair.

***Pets 15€ ***


They are mentioned in Yescapa's rental contract.

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