Furgoneta camper van Rui

6 places amb cinturóSeients amb cinturons de seguretat

3 places per a dormirEspai còmode per a 3 persones

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Rui et presenta la seva furgoneta camper

After the success of the previous van, here is the coolest Datsun Urvan in the country. The van was completely restored recently, painted in Malibu Blue, so it is in mint condition to provide our customers with the best trips and excursions into nature in our country, but not only that. If the idea is to explore our Atlantic coast, the van has all the necessary equipment for a more adventurous trip without the need to look for civilization. If, on the other hand, the preference is to get to know historical places, visit our beautiful towns and villages by the sea or inland, then the solution is still appropriate as this vehicle can spend the night anywhere, parked in any parking lot or really downtown.

Malibu has a gear lever by the steering wheel, is equipped with 4 USB connections where portable devices can be charged, has a bluetooth speaker with solar charging, several LED lights inside the passenger compartment, table and chairs, a 160x200cm bed and pillows .

Chemical toilet, portable shower, stove, cooler, bedding and much more camping equipment can be added on request.

Other configurations are possible if it is decided to remove the bed. 2 baby or child seats can be added and easily have 2 sleeping spots for adults and another 2 for children.

Malibu awaits you for a great 2024.

Places llit

Llits 1
Llit convertible saló70x160 cm
Llits 2
Llit convertible saló70x160 cm
Llits 3
Llit central160x200 cm


  • Kit de neteja
  • Productes de consum
  • Ràdio
  • Bluetooth
  • Compartiment de garatge
  • Taula d'exterior
  • Barbacoa
  • Seient de nadó
  • Cadira bebè

Característiques tècniques

  • Model: Malibu Urvan
  • Posada en circulació: 1982
  • PMA: 2.675 kg
  • Altura: 2 m

Condicions del propietari

  • Fiança (gestionada directament amb el propietari): 500 €
  • Forma de pagament de la fiança: efectiu
  • Km addicional: 0,75 € per km addicional
  • Viatjar a l'estranger : Sota sol·licitud
  • Animals a bord : Autoritzat
  • Vehicle per a fumadors : Autoritzat

Condicions d'anul·lació

Les modalitats de remborsament varien en funció de la data d'anul·lació de la reserva.

Propietari del vehicle

  • Best owner
  • Rui
  • Membre des del agost del 2019
  • Taxa de resposta: 100 %
  • Idiomes parlats: Anglès, Espanyol, Portuguès
  • Lloguers realitzats: més de 10

Les opinions dels viatgers

Lloc de recollida

L'adreça exacta d'estacionament serà disponible un cop confirmada la reserva.


Sobre aquesta furgoneta camper



Propietari del vehicle

After the success of the previous van, here is the coolest Datsun Urvan in the country. The van was completely restored recently, painted in Malibu Blue, so it is in mint condition to provide our customers with the best trips and excursions into nature in our country, but not only that. If the idea is to explore our Atlantic coast, the van has all the necessary equipment for a more adventurous trip without the need to look for civilization. If, on the other hand, the preference is to get to know historical places, visit our beautiful towns and villages by the sea or inland, then the solution is still appropriate as this vehicle can spend the night anywhere, parked in any parking lot or really downtown.

Malibu has a gear lever by the steering wheel, is equipped with 4 USB connections where portable devices can be charged, has a bluetooth speaker with solar charging, several LED lights inside the passenger compartment, table and chairs, a 160x200cm bed and pillows .

Chemical toilet, portable shower, stove, cooler, bedding and much more camping equipment can be added on request.

Other configurations are possible if it is decided to remove the bed. 2 baby or child seats can be added and easily have 2 sleeping spots for adults and another 2 for children.

Malibu awaits you for a great 2024.

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