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3 viatgers
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A partir de
110 €
3 places amb cinturóSeients amb cinturons de seguretat
3 places per a dormirEspai còmode per a 3 persones
Carnet BEl teu carnet de conducir és suficient per conduir aquest vehicle inferior a 3500kg.
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Vehicle from 2016, which was completely transformed into a van fitted out by a professional in 2024. Unique, warm, functional and discreet vehicle.
Mainly dressed inside in custom-made pallet wood and black carpet in the background, the space offers a large dining area (5 people max), with fridge, gas hob (bottle under the bench), sink + tap, fully equipped table retractable behind the fridge (I really need to patent this system !!!), swiveling front bench seat.
The sleeping area is made up of a large convertible bed, suitable for 3 adults but more comfortable for 2 adults and 1 child. The bed/seat transition is very simple and is done in a few seconds (I also have to patent this system!!!). Mattress th. 8cm 164x190 very comfortable sitting and lying down.
There are many storage spaces : 1 trunk under the passenger bench seat, 1 cupboard and 1 drawer under the adjustable bench seat, 1 high trunk and a flexible space with net, 1 large rear drawer on slides and luggage space in the trunk. There are also several very practical niches to store your current belongings!
Regarding electricity, the main part is equipped with Victron Energy : Li battery, booster charger, battery status display... There are also several USB sockets (x5 in the van), x3 12V sockets, many light points...
In summer , 5-6 days of autonomy without moving.
Clear water: 25L container, gray water: 18L. Hangable extra shower between the butterfly back doors.
Llit central
164x190 cmLes modalitats de remborsament varien en funció de la data d'anul·lació de la reserva.
L'adreça exacta d'estacionament serà disponible un cop confirmada la reserva.
Artisan dans la rénovation de l'habitat mais aussi ingénieur de formation, j'ai aménagé mon premier van et je commence à le louer ! J'y ai mis toutes mes compétences accumulées ces 10 dernières années et plus, concentrées dans un volume bien plus restreint qu'une maison, pour créer un intérieur très chaleureux, une expérience que vous ne trouverez pas ailleurs. CAV - Conception et Aménagement de Vans
Des de 80 €/dia