Furgoneta camper de Ivan

Vista del vehicle angle davanter Volkswagen MULTIVAN T5 179 CV - Yescapa

5 places amb cinturóSeients amb cinturons de seguretat

2 places per a dormirEspai còmode per a 2 persones

Carnet BEl teu carnet de conducir és suficient per conduir aquest vehicle inferior a 3500kg.

Document verificatEl permís de circulació està en regla i ha estat verificat pel nostre equip

Viatges a l'estranger no autoritzatsEl propietari no permet que el seu vehicle surti del país

No s'admeten mascotesLes teves mascotes no podran formar part d'aquest viatge

Reserva instantàniaMés fàcil i més ràpid!

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    Assegurança inclosa per defecte o Opció Premium, tu tries!

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    El nostre equip et proposa alternatives en cas de problema a l'últim moment.

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Ivan et presenta la seva furgoneta camper

👋Hello, how are you? 👋

🚐 I am a Volkswagen Multivan T5 with a tough and old engine (they made me well hehe) 2.5TDI and 174CV 🐎🐎🐎 of Pure power ⚡️ I am a diesel ⛽️ and I consume veryyyy little (about 7l/100) 🥳 Also, thanks to my engine I can go with plenty on the road and I go very smoothly on it 💪🏽

🤩I am newly converted and ready for you to enjoy me whenever you want🤩

🥳Also, with me you can sleep anywhere since I am not more than 2.05m tall and I fit in all the parking lots

👌🏽I am very easy to drive like a slightly large car

🫡Also, so you can enjoy with My experience to the fullest, I have;

🛏️ Giant bed of 190x140 cm: enjoy when night falls a mattress with memory foam made to measure that you have. To sleep like your own home in front of the sea or the mountains.

⚡️ Electrical installation: it has a second 860w battery.

🧊 Refrigerator 🥶 To keep your products and water cold

🧊 Shower 🥶 So you can shower whenever you want

🔥 Camping gas and pans 🥘

So you don't have to give up an incredible location for a morning coffee or because there are no places to eat, but don't miss out on our gastronomy, you won't regret it

(1 bottle per reservation, more can be added upon request)

🍴🍽️I have all the necessary kitchen utensils

🛌 Also with sheets for the bed 🛌

🧊And in case you get a little cold 🥶

🥵☀️I have a Webasto stationary heater that can turn me into a sauna in just a few minutes 🫠

💧 I also have a sink where I can cleaning utensils, two 20L bottles with a clean and dirty water outlet that

For hygiene reasons, both are delivered empty (and we ask that you return them to me with them the same)

⛽️But to fill up right when I pick up there are gas stations where I can fill up for free or for only 50 cents!

💰 The deposit is accepted in Bizum or bank transfer.

📍 I am located in practically the center of the island and in a very accessible place by public transport, from any airport about 30/40' by bus or 20' by taxi.

🤩🤩🤩Also, if you wish, the pick-up and drop-off can be completely autonomous as in an Airbnb and we will take care of showing you how it all works before my reservation 🤩🤩🤩

☀️Do not hesitate to ask me if you have any questions, it will be a pleasure to be able to make you enjoy this paradise island ☀️


Places llit

Llits 1

Llit convertible saló

120x190 cm


  • Nevera
  • Kit vaixella
  • Kit de neteja
  • Direcció assistida
  • Regulador de velocitat
  • Radar de marxa enrere
  • Càmera de marxa enrere
  • GPS
  • Ràdio

Característiques tècniques

  • ModelVolkswagen Volkswagen Multivan T5 Camper 2.5 TDI
  • Entrada en circulació2004
  • PMA:3.000 kg
  • Altura:1,94 m

Condicions de lloguer

Condicions del propietari

  • Viatjar a l'estrangerNo autoritzat
  • Carnet de conduirPermis B
  • Animals a bordNo autoritzat
  • Vehicle per a fumadorsNo autoritzat
  • Excés de quilometratge0,25 € per km addicional


  • Pagament de la fiançaGestionada directament pel propietari, targeta bancària, transferència, altres
  • Import300 €

Condicions d'anul·lació

Les modalitats de remborsament varien en funció de la data d'anul·lació de la reserva.

Lloc de recollida

38570 (38570), Espanya

L'adreça exacta d'estacionament serà disponible un cop confirmada la reserva.

8 opinions d'una reserva verificada

IvanPropietari particular — A Yescapa des de 2024
  • Puntuació global
  • Taxa de resposta100 %
  • Idiomes parlatsEspanyol
  • Perfil certificat

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